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Spiritual Growth

Energy Awareness

Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness for
Health Professionals

Addressing Test Anxiety
in Students

Stress Reduction for Groups & Families


heart wellness


Energy Awareness for Skeptics and Beginners

This introductory course illustrates how we are all having energetic experiences all the time but calling them something else. Some examples of energy awareness: How you can feel when someone is staring at you When you can tell someone is angry without them saying a word Someone is in “your space”, is actually in your electro-magnetic field An overview of basic energy anatomy is essential to illustrate how the symptoms that we feel in our bodies are directly related to changes in our energy. This course is quite eye opening, and you may never look at the world the same way again.

Revelations of the Chakras

The chakras are energetic openings along the spine that allows the flow of energy to enter our physical bodies. Each chakra correlates to an endocrine gland and as a result can have a direct effect on our health. These openings are reactive in nature just as our pupils are reactive to light. The chakras react by opening and closing based on our thoughts, feelings and environment. We can however learn to become aware of any imbalance and choose to balance them when needed. Chakra awareness is a fascinating exploration into our unconscious, belief systems and methods of defense. Becoming aware of our energetic patterns is not only illuminating but a potent tool for preventive health.


Please explore the modalities on the left and feel free to call me at 847.363.8842,
or send an email with any questions.

healing hands
Transforming stress through cutting-edge technology & the wisdom of the heart
