the heart of wellness
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Spiritual Growth

Energy Awareness

Wellness in the Workplace

Wellness for
Health Professionals

Addressing Test Anxiety
in Students

Stress Reduction for
Groups & Families




heart wellness


Heart Meditation:
Change Your Heart Rhythm -
Change Your Life

This course is designed to empower individuals to improve their health by transforming their reaction to stressful situations. Participants will learn how to recognize the body/mind reaction to stress and how to return to a peaceful state of being. The transformation occurs from changing the heart’s rhythm from chaos to coherence. This is achieved through the practice of Heart Meditation. Using biofeedback, participants are able to witness the change in heart rhythm from following this simple breathing technique.

Heart Meditation can:
• change one’s physiology from fight or flight to the relaxation response
• reduce the chaos from stressful living
• place one’s heart into a loving coherent state
• positively affect every organ and gland in your body
• produce a visible difference using biofeedback
• transform personal and professional relationships

Heart Meditation: A Tonic for Burnout

Those of us that help others often find ourselves depleted, tired, and "burned out". How do we find the energy to continue and return to the place of fulfillment from our work? Many have come to the service professions answering a call from the heart. So, it should come as no surprise that the tonic for burn out is also found in the heart.

In this workshop, you will learn tried and true meditation techniques that can help you to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.
• Learn how to experience peace in the midst of chaos • Discover an ancient heart meditation that transforms your state of being
• Actually see the heart rhythm changes using biofeedback • Uncover mystical qualities hidden with the heart to be shared with others


The Hidden Benefits of Massage Therapy

While massage therapy has advanced from merely a luxury to a significant contribution to stress reduction and the management of pain and anxiety, some of its benefits may have gone unnoticed. This presentation is fun and informative and shares many of the hidden benefits of massage therapy. It could be used to promote massage therapy in massage clinics, chiropractic centers, companies that encourage wellness, and seminars or expos that aim to educate the public. 

Please explore the modalities on the left and feel free to call me at 847.363.8842,
or send an email with any questions.

healing hands
Transforming stress through cutting-edge technology & the wisdom of the heart
